Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Confirmation in Peter

This morning I sat down to do my quiet time. It was really boring... 1 Timothy 5. The entire chapter was directed towards Deacons and Bishops and their requirements... Im not even Catholic. (well... technically I am.... long story). I suffered through it and decided I could apply it to my life if ever I was to run into the Bishop and caught him in the act of bigamy or adultery. However, there was one thing out of all the requirements that really caught my attention, something I thought to be very wise.

1 Timothy 5:7 & 10

These verses basically said that God wants his leaders in the church (the bishops and the deacons) to have overcome some kind of hardship in their life. Why?... So that they are strong. Just like when you break your arm, and the bone has had time to heal, it comes back stronger. Just like when you're weightlifting, and you can feel your muscles burning, give it a day or two and they will have grown to be bigger and stronger. God wants his leaders to be overcomers. He wants them to have been in a place in their lives where only He could have rescued them from. He also wants them to be good leaders to the people. If my leader has been in a place that is far worse than any of my own circumstances, and God brought him out of that place, my God will surely bring me out too. He wants to show us that when our faith has been crippled, He has and will build it back up to be stronger and steadier than it ever was before. He wants us to call out his name!

Any-hoo... I felt like there was more God wanted to show me this morning, so I flipped through my bible and found a book that I hadn't finished yet. It was 1 Peter chapter 4. I could not believe it! The first two verses were talking about how one should model their life after their King, and how Jesus is not confined or restrained by time, and that the earth cannot hold him anymore. If you read my last blog entry, this is what God showed me yesterday in the topic of time. I was just kinda pondering in conversation with him, but for him to give me confirmation in his word this morning just prods me to keep up with him, it makes me see that this is all real and that he really does love me enough to speak to me in my thoughts.

Beloved ones of Jesus! Listen for His voice!
A Warrior for the King,

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