Sunday, September 25, 2011

Day Two in Israel

We arrived in Tel Aviv yesterday at around 4 in the afternoon. Two people from each team were pulled into a room and thoroughly questioned as to why they were here and what they plan to do. Our leader, Chris Chun, has a stamp in his passport from Oman, which landed him in the questioning room for over an hour. Finally we met up with our contacts and slept in a B&B our first night. The next morning we worshiped the Lord and prayed about what to do… We still don’t have housing. Due to the Holy Holidays everyone is flying into Jerusalem to be a part of the 3-week celebrations. Hostels are keeping us dry and warm until something opens up. 

Jerusalem is everything you could ever imagine about Israel. It is made up of stone, markets, and religious culture. I can safely say that I have never seen so many side burn ringlets in my life. Going out by myself for a night or morning stroll is not even considered an option here. The men either won’t talk to you (none the less look at you) or they will hit on you and ask you to come home with them as their wife. So far, it’s primarily the men in the market to watch out for. There are two girls for every guy on our team so they are trying their best to stick close to us girls and guard us. After a man in the market reached out at me saying he would give me 50% off on anything I wanted the leaders cracked down pretty hard on us girls never being alone. 

It is pretty sporadic right now as we try to decide where the best places to stay are as well as staying focused on our mission and trying to talk to people in a way that they will listen. However it’s all been pretty interesting! The vibe is very different compared to the US and everything is either in Hebrew or Arabic. The jet lag is wearing us down pretty hard right now, but it should be cleared up in a day or two. 

I extremely miss you all and cannot wait to post more about what God is doing! Be at peace! 
A Warrior for the King,

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