Monday, August 1, 2011

The Waves of Youth

The staff is making all the students read Loren Cunningham's book, "Is That Really You God?" Its actually a really fun read! I can't tell if I was shaking from the excitement of reading or the two cups of french pressed coffee I had only a half hour before. While I was reading I would take breaks to look up at the waves crashing on the rocks of Magic Sands Beach. Loren describes a vision he had in his twenties- a vision of young people traveling in waves all over the globe for the name of a Risen and Living King, Jesus. I then looked up the mountain leading to up to the volcano... It is always overcast there.. I don't know why? I thought about how amazing it was that Loren's vision came true.. and that I was in that wave. God knew, from the very beginning that I would become a part of this team- that I would give up home, family, friends, security in familiarity, and status to live for His name. I am in that wave!

The truth is, I can climb that volcano- for years if I chose- but, there will eventually be an end to that climb... and when you finally reach the end- its overcast at the top.... But the waves never end. They are too strong- they can knock you over- they shift you- they challenge you- but more, they are never still.

Our class has been challenged, by Loren himself, to give up anything we have set value on and to just hand it all over to God. Sometimes, God just wants to see if we would really give up our only son... He just wants to see how much we trust Him- even if it means giving Him a living sacrifice of what is most important to us. He wants to see if we really Love Him more than what we love here on earth.

Let me tell you, It was a lot harder than I thought it would be... To mean it when I say, "God, here! I trust you with my family- have them- I give them up to you.""God, I trust you with my desire to be married with a family of my own one day- you take it- its yours." "God, I trust you to bring in all the money I need to continue with this ministry... I know you have called me here, so I know you will take care of me financially." Giving up my rights, my desires, and my worries... Its nice! Its nice for my God too, He doesn't have to fight against any other gods in my head to claim my attention anymore. He can speak right to me.

You want to hear God's voice? Lay down your rights. Lay down the idols that are fighting for your attention. God had to do the same with Abraham... Isaac was becoming an idol to Abraham and God wasn't at the center of Abraham's head anymore. Whats funny, is that Isaac was a God given gift! He was good! Sacrifice your God given gifts and rights. He knows what is best done with them anyways!

I love you BEAUTIFUL PEOPLE! May God's voice be heard in His people!
A Warrior for the King,

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